Monday, April 2, 2007

Speed up for the 'Collaudo'

After the letter of complaint I wrote to my agency, asking back my German papers (I've been waiting for almost 5 months now!), last Wednesday I received a phone call from them telling I would have my 'collaudo' (the Italian MOT test) next Thursday. So I had too speed up the works on the body in order to finish in time.
I had my lateral hella turn signals mounted and fixed a problem on the engine (it seems someone had mounted a 12v electric choke...)
I primered all the parts I could for the test, I hope this runs! Not much satisfied of the result. Need to check some areas before painting, they are not straight! I do this only to have the number plates. good bye lovely patina... :-(

Preparing for primer...

Silvia trying to get tanned...

Me and my father trying to do something...

My new analogue alarm clock, set on 5.30 am, 6.00 am, 6.30 am and so on...

Modern art:

Spraying the primer (my first time...) ouch!

Spraying the primer on my father hihihi

I forgot to make some pics of the finished work. Put them here tomorrow.
I sprayed the antirust on the roof and made the bumpers matt black.

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